Actionable Tips on How to Start a Warehousing Business

Starting a warehousing business isn’t possible without hard work, but it can be done if you want it badly enough. These tips about start a warehouse business in India will tell you everything you need to know before you begin.

There are two versions of warehousing business. First is constructing / providing warehouse space and the second is offering warehousing services. 

How to Start a Warehousing Business?

Things to Know Before Starting a Warehousing Business

Constructing / Providing Warehouse space:

This is a not so challenging area if you have money power. For purchasing land and getting a warehouse constructed, everything can be handled by an expert team of professionals who can provide you with market survey reports, feasibility reports, and can arrange for all the concerned agencies who can build your warehouse. They charge certain amount of professional fees but it’s worth it as this will reduce your lot of efforts in arranging all the agencies.

Once the land is purchased and warehouse constructed the same team can arrange for leasing out the space with good returns and you can start earning on monthly basis.

Important Tips for site selection:

  1. The most important is location of warehouse.
  2. The land should be flat enough so that there is no land filling required.
  3. Should have excellent approach road to the land / plot
  4. The plot / land should have good width on the road for better movement of vehicles.
  5. The layout of the warehouse will depend on the shape of the land, so ideally it should be square or rectangle. Any odd shape of land will amount in high wastage of land.
  6. Land / Plot should have facility of Water and Electricity.

Also Read: Investment Opportunity in Warehousing Business in India

Important tips for Warehouse Construction:

  1. Should have a plinth height of 2.5 feet to 3 feet.
  2. RCC floor should be of minimum 5 tons / Sq. Meter loading capacity.
  3. It should have a clear height of minimum 22 Feet. The ideal recommendation and general requirement is of 28’ to 30’ feet. The more the height it’s better for warehousing companies
  4. It should have ample docking bays so that material can be easily moved and total area of warehouse is utilized.
  5. It should have ample natural light and nicely ventilated. Ideally it should have minimum 10% to 15% of natural light.
  6. Turbo vents are must for natural air circulation and ventilation.
  7. It should have a facility to mount crane, as many modern warehouse requires cranes for material movement.
  8. Ideally it should have one wide slope to enable forklift to be taken inside the warehouse.

Offering Warehousing Services:

This is a complex process as this requires lot of coordination between several establishments. Right from procuring a company contract to handle their logistic requirements to picking up the cargo from their premises – end to end transportation and then distribution at city level.

Continuous tracking and tracing of cargo and vehicle movement and making the cargo reach its destination without any damage and on time is the key to successful business. This is a long term process and will require active involvement of the person on regular basis.

The capital requirement to start warehousing services business is relatively low as compared to constructing a warehouse where huge amount of money is involved.

Also Read: What are the Business Ideas for an Empty Warehouse?

Tips for successfully operating as Warehousing Services Provider:

  1. Wide network contacts
  2. Trained staff who can handle complex operations of warehousing.
  3. Proper team who can execute the work on day to day basis.
  4. Excellent management skills to handle multiple contracts of companies.
  5. Should have modern day automation for material handling, storage, packaging and labeling, and tracking and tracing the goods.

Both the segments are lucrative and can generate good income on regular basis.

IndiaWarehousing is a leading service providers from India of storage space, storage space rentals and goods storage for warehousing business. Contact for best Investment Opportunity in warehousing business.

Also Read: Best Business Plan for Warehousing and Logistics